Logo Sylvain Gautier

Sylvain Gautier

Sculpteur / Ébéniste

Terms & Conditions of Sale


Website edited by:

Sylvain GAUTIER E.I. ,
35 rue des champs elysées,
31500 Toulouse, France


Establishment Directory Identification System: 517870416 00016

Economic Operator Registration and Identification: FR51787041600016

Webdesign and integration : Sylvain GAUTIER, based on the “Twenty twenty” theme. Powered by WordPress.

Hosting : OVH, 2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix – France.

Copyright: All content on this website is © Sylvain Gautier E.I. Unauthorized use or reproduction is prohibited and subject to legal action.



Sylvain GAUTIER E.I. manufactures unique wooden pieces, from purchased or salvaged wood, which may present anomalies, signs of wear, knots, cracks, traces of cut, which make their authenticity. Each model is its own creation, any reproduction of its models for commercial purposes is strictly prohibited and the offender commits to legal proceedings.

1. General Terms

Scope: These terms apply to all online sales of products from Sylvain Gautier E.I. (the “Seller”).

Agreement: By purchasing from us, you (the “Buyer”) agree to these terms. The Seller reserves the right to update these terms at any time. The applicable terms are those in force at the order’s payment date.

Legal Capacity: By placing an order, you confirm that you are legally able to enter into contracts under French law.

2. Prices and Payment

Pricing: Prices are listed in Euros, excluding VAT (not applicable, Article 293 B of the French Tax Code). Shipping and other applicable charges are calculated at checkout. International buyers are responsible for any customs duties or local taxes.

Price Changes: The Seller may update prices at any time, but orders will be charged at the price at the time of order confirmation.

Payment: All orders must be paid in Euros. The product is billed based on the price at the time of order validation and is subject to availability.

3. Products and Services

Description: Product details and prices are available on our website. All photos are for illustrative purposes and do not form a binding part of any agreement.

Stock and Availability: Orders are fulfilled based on product availability. If an item is not available, the Seller will notify the Buyer promptly to discuss alternatives or provide a refund.

Ownership: Products remain the property of the Seller until full payment is received.

Exclusions: Products sold are for decoration and collection items and are not suitable for children. The Seller is not liable for misuse by minors.

4. Returns, Exchanges, and Withdrawal Rights:

Defective or Non-Compliant Products: These can be returned within 30 days of delivery. Products must be in their original condition with all packaging and accessories. The Seller will reimburse the product cost, but forward and return shipping costs are the Buyer’s responsibility.

Withdrawal from Purchase:

  • Stock Items: Buyers can withdraw from a purchase within 7 days of receipt. Products must be returned in their original condition and packaging (see conditions above).
  • Pre-orders and Custom-made Items: Pre-orders can be canceled within 7 days after the pre-order period ends. Custom-made items are not eligible for withdrawal.

Refunds for cancellations or returns will be processed within 30 days, minus any applicable transfer fees.

5. Delivery

Address: Products are delivered to the address provided at the time of order. For security, this must match the address registered with Paypal (if used).

Delivery Time: Products are delivered within 40 days of receiving full payment. The risk of loss or damage to the products transfers to the Buyer upon delivery. Buyers must report any delivery issues to the carrier.

6. Force Majeure

The Seller is not liable for delays or non-performance due to unforeseen events or force majeure. The Buyer will be notified promptly in such cases.

7. Data Protection

The Seller respects your privacy and handles personal data in compliance with the French Data Protection Act. For rights access, opposition, or correction requests, email syl.gautier@gmail.com or write to Sylvain Gautier E.I., 35 rue des Champs Elysées, 31500 Toulouse, France.

8. Governing Law and Jurisdiction

These terms are governed by French law. Disputes should first be addressed directly with the Seller. Failing resolution, the French courts have exclusive jurisdiction.

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